Since the match making methods are split across several protocols, this page documents all match making related structures in one place.
Flag | Description |
0x10 | Controls what happens when the owner leaves the gathering. If set, the server chooses a new owner. If not set, the gathering is deleted. |
Many games also use flag 0x200, but its purpose is unknown.
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_idMyself |
PID | m_pidOwner |
PID | m_pidHost |
Uint16 | m_uiMinParticipants |
Uint16 | m_uiMaxParticipants |
Uint32 | m_uiParticipationPolicy |
Uint32 | m_uiPolicyArgument |
Uint32 | m_uiFlags |
Uint32 | m_uiState |
String | m_strDescription |
PersistentGathering (Structure)
This structure inherits from Gathering
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_CommunityType |
String | m_Password |
List<Uint32> | m_Attribs |
Buffer | m_ApplicationBuffer |
DateTime | m_ParticipationStartDate |
DateTime | m_ParticipationEndDate |
Uint32 | m_MatchmakeSessionCount |
Uint32 | m_ParticipationCount |
MatchmakeSession (Structure)
This structure inherits from Gathering
In NEX version 2.x, the matchmake session looks as follows:
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_GameMode |
List<Uint32> | m_Attribs |
Bool | m_OpenParticipation |
Uint32 | m_MatchmakeSystemType |
Buffer | m_ApplicationBuffer |
Uint32 | m_ParticipationCount |
In NEX version 3.0, the session key was added:
In NEX version 3.4, a progress score field was added. Note that this field was inserted before the session key field:
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_GameMode |
List<Uint32> | m_Attribs |
Bool | m_OpenParticipation |
Uint32 | m_MatchmakeSystemType |
Buffer | m_ApplicationBuffer |
Uint32 | m_ParticipationCount |
Uint8 | m_ProgressScore |
Buffer | m_SessionKey |
In NEX version 3.5, one more field was added:
In NEX version 3.6, the revision number was increased to 1 and two more fields were added:
In NEX version 3.7, the revision number was increased to 2 and one more field was added:
In NEX version 3.8, the revision number was increased to 3 and three more fields were added:
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_ReferGid |
Bool | m_UserPasswordEnabled |
Bool | m_SystemPasswordEnabled |
In NEX version 4.0, the revision number was set back to 0 and one more field was added:
MatchmakeSessionSearchCriteria (Structure)
Up to NEX version 1.x, this structure looks as follows:
Type | Name |
List<String> | m_Attribs |
String | m_GameMode |
String | m_MatchmakeSystemType |
Bool | m_VacantOnly |
Bool | m_ExcludeLocked |
Bool | m_ExcludeNonHostPid |
In NEX version 2.0, the minimum and maximum participants fields were added. Note that these fields were inserted before the matchmaking system type field:
Type | Name |
List<String> | m_Attribs |
String | m_GameMode |
String | m_MinParticipants |
String | m_MaxParticipants |
String | m_MatchmakeSystemType |
Bool | m_VacantOnly |
Bool | m_ExcludeLocked |
Bool | m_ExcludeNonHostPid |
In NEX version 3.0, one more field was added:
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_SelectionMethod |
In NEX version 3.4, one more field was added:
Type | Name |
Uint16 | m_VacantParticipants |
In NEX version 3.6, the revision number was increased to 1 and one more field was added:
In NEX version 3.7, the revision number was increased to 2 and two more fields were added:
Type | Name |
Bool | m_ExcludeUserPasswordSet |
Bool | m_ExcludeSystemPasswordSet |
In NEX version 3.8, the revision number was increased to 3 and one more field was added:
In NEX version 4.0, the revision number was set back to 0 and two more fields were added:
CreateMatchmakeSessionParam (Structure)
Type | Name |
MatchmakeSession | sourceMatchmakeSession |
List<PID> | additionalParticipants |
Uint32 | gidForParticipationCheck |
Uint32 | createMatchmakeSessionOption |
String | joinMessage |
Uint16 | participationCount |
JoinMatchmakeSessionParam (Structure)
Type | Name |
Uint32 | gid |
List<PID> | additionalParticipants |
Uint32 | gidForParticipationCheck |
Uint32 | joinMatchmakeSessionOption |
Uint8 | joinMatchmakeSessionBehavior |
String | strUserPassword |
String | strSystemPassword |
String | joinMessage |
Uint16 | participationCount |
Revision 1:
Type | Name |
Uint16 | extraParticipants |
In NEX version 4.0, the revision number was set back to 0 and one more field was added:
UpdateMatchmakeSessionParam (Structure)
Type | Name |
Uint32 | gid |
Uint32 | modificationFlag |
List<Uint32> | attributes |
Bool | openParticipation |
Buffer | applicationBuffer |
Uint8 | progressScore |
MatchmakeParam | matchmakeParam |
DateTime | startedTime |
String | userPassword |
Uint32 | gameMode |
String | description |
Uint16 | minParticipants |
Uint16 | maxParticipants |
Uint32 | matchmakeSystemType |
Uint32 | participationPolicy |
Uint32 | policyArgument |
In NEX version 4.0, the codeword was added:
MatchmakeBlockListParam (Structure)
AutoMatchmakeParam (Structure)
4.0 and later:
FindMatchmakeSessionByParticipantParam (Structure)
FindMatchmakeSessionByParticipantResult (Structure)
Type | Name |
PID | m_pidParticipant |
Uint32 | m_uiFlags |
List<Float> | m_lstValues |
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_idGathering |
Uint32 | m_idGuest |
String | m_strMessage |
ParticipantDetails (Structure)
Type | Name |
PID | m_idParticipant |
String | m_strName |
String | m_strMessage |
Uint16 | m_uiParticipants |
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_idGathering |
PID | m_pid |
Uint32 | m_uiReason |
SimplePlayingSession (Structure)
Type | Name |
PID | m_PrincipalID |
Uint32 | m_GatheringID |
Uint32 | m_GameMode |
Uint32 | m_Attribute_0 |
Type | Name |
Uint32 | m_GatheringID |
Uint32 | m_MatchmakeSessionCount |