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RMC Protocol


PRUDP packets may have optional payloads. These payloads may be anything, however typically DATA packets use RMC. RMC, presumably standing for “Remote Method Call”, is a standardized protocol for calling methods on remote services. RMC has been known to come in at least 3 different variations. The variation used is already know to both the server and client. These variations are:

  • “Packed” - Information about the service and method is tightly packed, such as using integers for protocol/method IDs
  • “Packed” extended - The exact same as the previous “packed” variation, except an additional uint16 is added as the “true” protocol ID. In this case the uint8 “protocol ID” is 0x7F
  • “Verbose” - Rather than tightly packing data, this variation opts to encode information about the remote service and method in a more verbose way, using strings in place of integer IDs. This variation also changes how Structures are encoded

All NEX titles use one of the “packed” variations. Many Rendez-Vous titles also seem to use the “packed” variations. However, some Rendez-Vous titles use the “verbose” variation

“Packed” variations

Request Format

Uint32Size, excluding this field
Uint8Protocol id, ORed with 0x80
Uint16Extended protocol id. Only present if using the “extended” variation (protocol id is 0x7F).
Uint32Call id, an incrementing number used to match a response to the right request
Uint32Method id
Method parameters

Response Format

Uint32Size, excluding this field
Uint8Protocol id
Uint16Extended protocol id. Only present if the protocol id is 0x7F.
Bool“Is success”

On success:

Uint32Call id
Uint32Method id, ORed with 0x8000
Response data

On error:

Uint32Error code, see errors.py
Uint32Call id

“Verbose” variation

Request Format

Uint32Size, excluding this field
StringProtocol name
Bool“Is request” (true)
Uint32Call id, an incrementing number used to match a response to the right request
StringMethod name, with the protocol name as a prefix
ClassVersionContainerInformation about the Structures used in the request
Method parameters

Response Format

Uint32Size, excluding this field
StringProtocol name
Bool“Is request” (false)
Bool“Is success”

On success:

Uint32Call id
StringMethod name, with the protocol name as a prefix
Response data

In all known cases, the method name string in responses ends with a *. Looking at the response handlers for some games, this seems to be related to a “return value pointer”, though it is not entirely clear at this time

On error:

Uint32Error code, see errors.py
Uint32Call id


The ClassVersionContainer is a List of ClassVersion types. Unlike in the “packed” variations, where structure version information is optionally stored as a header on the structure, a ClassVersion defines this version only once before the rest of the message is parsed. Presumably this is done to not re-encode the same version information multiple times, though the cases where this is beneficial are few. Every request in the “verbose” variation begins with a ClassVersionContainer, even if it has 0 elements. Responses do not use a ClassVersionContainer, nor do they encode the structure header


StringStructure name
Uint16Structure version


The following services never send an RMC response, even if an error occurred:

Other services always send an RMC response.
